
Digital Companion to C. S. Peirce


12/10/2018 Elements Letters to Francis C. Russell
12/10/2018 Critic Letters to Francis C. Russell
12/10/2018 Methodeutic Letters to Francis C. Russell
10/10/2018 Science From Comte to Benjamin Kidd
08/10/2018 Logic Introductory Lecture on the Study of Logic
08/10/2018 Instinct Miscellaneous Fragments [R]
07/10/2018 Real Letters to F. C. S. Schiller
07/10/2018 Science Nominalism, Realism, and the Logic of Modern Science [R]
28/05/2018 Habit Meaning Pragmatism [R]
09/04/2018 Critic On Signs [R]

Some Wit, Wisdom & Bewilderment

A man may walk down Wall Street debating within himself the existence of an external world; but if in his brown study he jostles up against somebody who angrily draws off and knocks him down, the sceptic is unlikely to carry his scepticism so far as to doubt whether anything beside the ego was concerned in that phenomenon. The resistance shows him that something independent of him is there.
The Logic of Mathematics, c. 1896